
Friday, January 1, 2016

Happy New Year!

2015 was a good writing year. While I didn't get an agent or a book deal, I did succeed by submitting more than ever, keeping to my writing schedule of 45 min./day, 5 days/wk. (since Nov. 2014!), and getting three favorites during Twitter Pitch parties which allowed me to submit requested manuscripts to agents.

Rate Your Story was a fun membership to have this year. It gave me some helpful feedback on manuscripts I felt were submission-ready. Registration is open until Jan. 15. Check it out HERE.

My interests and goals for 2016 continue to include pursuing my dream of having a picture book published, but I would also like to learn more about getting a Book App developed and to think about how to revamp my blog, so stay tuned for updates!

May your 2016 be filled with love, laughter, 
and fabulous picture books!